Securely receive & distribute crisis information.
Behavioral health crises require rapid and coordinated community action. Crisis response teams need the right information to act and support individuals as they navigate a crisis.
How We Help
Ascend built a secure crisis system that notifies covered entities when someone has been admitted to a hospital emergency room due to a behavioral health crisis such as a drug overdose, suicide attempt, or ideation. These notifications give providers and community health organizations timely information to ensure individuals are connected with recovery resources.

Product Features
Coordinated alerts
Notifications are sent to the appropriate provider, crisis response team, or county recovery board based on the individual's treatment history.
Risk stratification model
Estimates a patient's risk of future adverse events following an overdose.
Delivered to your inbox
Notifications are sent securely to the recipient’s email inbox, making it easy to stay up to date on new crisis events as they occur.
Product Breakdown
Emergency Event Information
Date, time, patient name, diagnosis/diagnosis codes and hospital location
Patient Demographic Information
Phone, address, date of birth, sex and race
Patient History*
Assigned provider, insurance provider and number of recent behavioral health hospital encounters
*Ability to provide all information is contingent on access to data.

The Outcome
Following the community's collaborative launch of crisis notifications in 2017, overdose deaths fell from 566 to 289 in 2018 in Montgomery County, Ohio.
Decrease in
Overdose Deaths